Shopping Centers, Factory Outlet & Retail Park
UrbiStat has a great experience in the industry of Shopping Centers, Retail Parks and Factory Outlets. We provides a complete and constantly updated list of existing malls and the pipeline of new projects in Italy and in more then 35 countries.
For every center exactly georeferred there’s a data sheet with the main features: GLA, food anchor, total number of stores, major brands, numbers of parking and number of annual visitors.
All these informations, through uGeo software and other tools (like visitors surveys) allow our clients to evaluate actual and new competitive scenarios and to get informations about trends.
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Food (GDO)
We give our support to many companies in the Food (GDO) sector in Italy (some examples: LD Market, MD Discount, Crai, Sigma, Nordiconad, Famila, Basko etc.). We monitor the food sector and offer an update database, georeferred and full of information (players, sales area, turnover, etc). You can find all this information in uGeo (software made by UrbSstat) with many functionalities like catchment areas (information about the supply and demand in a specific area), prediction models (to estimate turnover of a new opening and the impact on existing ones), fidelity cards analysis (location, spent amount, fidelity rate) and many other.
Fashion, clothing & footwear
UrbiStat paid spiecial attention to the Fashion Industry: clothing and footwear; you can obtain detailed analysis through both ad-hoc studies and direct online (uGeo software):
- monitoring of hundreds of national and international players
- sector-specific consumption study
- customer analysis/fidelity cards
- implementation of regression models
These services are available for more than 25 countries.
uGeo: simplicity is the ultimate sophistication
Some customers:
Pharmaceutical sector
Specifically for the pharmaceutical sector Urbistat offers its services to who won a public competition or wants to start a new business and have to decide where to open a new pharmacy. UrbiStat, with uGeo, a geomarketing software, helps participants of the tender procedure in choosing the best location of proposed areas.The software analyzes the pharmaceutical network (municipal and private pharmacies) geo referred in the Italian territory and provides parameters such as population / income / consumption in therapeutic material and personal care. All this analysis are available in the catchment areas or more in detail also for the single roads uGeo performs accurate geomarketing analyzes based on the locations described in the tender procedure. Accurate and up to date on all the Italian territory with the objective of finding the best location. The final report will contain the ranking or the greatest locations, you can easily download it in pdf, excel and google earth.

Useful links:
Demographic Italian information:
Legal note about opening new pharmacy (in Italian):
Other sectors
Urbistat make advanced geomarketing research in this sectors too:
Geomarketing studies of bricolage and DIY shops.
Avanzi (GrandVision), one of the biggest European optical companies, choose Urbistat.
Analyze territory with more than 2239 gyms.
Big structures as multiplex cinemas must have a big business studies. Urbistat is UCI partner.
Pets Shops
In the latest years Pets industry presents a large growing in the market. uGeo is the best software to analyze it in all Europe.
Home hygiene
Urbistat business studies are updated with the latest hygiene stores in each countries.
Do you need more details?
Get in touch with us, we will send you sample materials and you will be assist by telephone.