Dear Users, UrbiStat is pleased to announce that starting from Monday (December 4th) our platform has been implemented also for the Norwegian market uploading official statistics from the SSB (Statistics Norway):

  • municipality to 01/01/2017;
  • inhabitants to 01/01/2017;
  • families to 01/01/2017;
  • foreigners to 01/01/2017;
  • age classes to 01/01/2017;
  • marital status to 01/01/2017;
  • natural balance to 01/01/2017;
  • migratory balance to 01/01/2017;
  • employed / unemployed to 01/01/2017;
  • labor force / labor nonforce to 01/01/2017;
  • consumption (by merchandise category) to 01/01/2016;
  • disposable income to 01/01/2016;

For more information, please feel free to contact the Urbistat team:

Best regards

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